Thursday, July 3, 2008

Numbers 3-4, 6, 11-14

I love how the stories of the Bible are so intertwined. The Bible is its own best commentary because when one part is hard to understand, we can find a related passage that helps to clarify it by giving more explanation. The first few verses of Numbers 3 is a flashback to what we read in Leviticus 10 concerning the disobedience of Aaron's sons. Then, to fully understand why God is setting apart the tribe of Levi for His service, we must look back at Exodus 32. When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai to find the people worshipping the golden calf, it was the Levites who stood at his side to punish the disobedient. We have asked the question, "Why does God choose some and reject others?" Here we have an example of God choosing men who are obedient, no matter the cost.

Chapters 3 & 4 of Numbers go into great detail to show who was responsible for each part of the Tabernacle. It should remind us that taking care of God's house takes all of us. There is so much work that must be done behind the scenes to make corporate worship possible. Are we all doing our part to make it happen? Most people do not realize all the work that goes into preparing for worship on Sunday mornings. They are content to show up for the ceremony, fill a pew, and leave mostly unchanged. Ladies, the people who are most satisfied after a church service are the people who were involved with putting all the pieces in place. If you find yourself bored with coming to church, perhaps you should volunteer to be part of the planning process.

Numbers 3:40-51 is a beautiful picture of substitution for redemption. By law, the firstborn from every family was required to serve in the Temple. God accepted the service of the Levites as a substitution. This is a flash forward of God's acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice for you and me. By law, you and I are required to offer a perfect sacrifice for our redemption. We couldn't do it; so Jesus took our place.

Numbers 6--Are any of you ready to sign up to be a Nazirite? This vow took a tremendous commitment to live a holy life. The most well-known Nazirite in the Bible is Samson. Other examples are Samuel, and John the Baptist, and Paul mentions taking a vow in Acts 18 & 21.

Numbers 6:24-26--The Priestly Blessing
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Numbers 11--The Israelites are grumbling again. I'm thinking you and I would have been right in the middle of it. Very few of us are happy travelers. I can understand Moses' complaint in verses 10-15 too. I like that God appointed 70 helpers for Moses in verses 16-17.

Numbers 11:20--The Israelites would get what they prayed for. Reminds me of the song "Thank God for Unanswered Prayer." Why do we fall into the trap of telling God what He has to do for us? From experience, I have learned that trusting Him to provide for my needs always turns out much better than I would have planned it.

Numbers 12--Poor Moses! Not only are the multitudes grumbling against him, but now his brother and sister get in on the whining. May we all strive to have God describe us as he does Moses in verses 6-8. I want to be known as faithful. I want God to speak to me face to face, clearly and not in riddles. I'm impressed that Moses interceded for Miriam and asked God to heal her. You and I would be more likely to kill her and tell God she died. (Just kidding.)

Numbers 13--Are we willing to go against the crowd like Caleb and Joshua did? How many times have we caved in to public opinion rather than standing in the face of opposition? God is looking for people to reward. He rewards people of integrity who do the right thing even when it is the costly thing.

Numbers 14:1-4--The people's constant negativity and worry is rebellion against God.

Numbers 14:5-9--I want to be a part of this group, the group that demonstrates faith.

Numbers 14:13-19--Moses intercedes for the people by appealing to God's desire for glory among the nations. I would have been agreeing with God's decision to strike the people down!

Numbers 14:39-45--After the pronouncement of God's judgment on their unbelief, the people disobey once again. They say, "Oops, we messed up. Now we want to go into the Promised Land." Sorry folks, you can't change directions that fast. God's will prevails.

Our next reading will be in Deuteronomy 5-8, 28-31, and 34.


  1. Num. 3-4 talk of how to do they did the sacrifices, and also what they would do with some of the remaining meat. Did you notice that it was given to the priests and their families?? This and alot of other ways are mentioned for how God planned for the congregation to take care of their ministers!!! It has always made me angry when I have heard (usually in business mts) That we just can't afford to give our pastor any more??? God takes care of His Chosen Ones, we have seen that, and have read that now!! Do we do that??? Sorry, I will get off of my soap- box now. But really and truly, I feel like those were the guidelines that God set up for the church also. And I think alot of churches forget that, and it makes it hard.

    You know, Numbers 6 is one of those passages that makes you think? Hmmm? I have always felt like the people that serve the Lord, and stay single? I have always put them in that category. And I have always had so much respect for them. Now, that we have been in Ministry for awhile, all of us that are serving the Lord with our whole hearts are this too!!
    It says that it can either be a lifelong thing or a period of time that you feel you needed to do this, or God asked you to.

    Num. 11-14 - Truly amazes me how you can see how God takes care of everycare of His People.
    He sent Manna in Hebrew it means "What is it." I wonder if that is what they said when they first saw it? HA!!!
    And also back in Deut. 8 - It says that their clothes never wore out and neither their shoes!!! Can you imagine walking in HOT sand for 40 years!!?? And their clothes never wore out and they never got blisters on their feet!!! We have a Great and Mighty God!!!


  2. Reading through these passages I just kept thinking about how detailed God is. What was the seperation talking about in vs. 6?

    V. 23, 24: How often are we like Balak, we keep asking God to do one thing, but He continues to do things His way and we just don't get it. Why is it so hard to get it through our thick heads that He is going to do what is His will and not our own? We keep thinking that our way is the best way and God should do it that way. Hmmmm, do you suppose He knows what He's doing by now? How long has He been doing things? And we think He doesn't have it all under control? I say "we", but I'm really asking myself these questions.

  3. LOL, I read chapters 23 and 24 instead of 11-14. I guess God wanted me to read those chapters also.

  4. The "separation" in Numbers 6 is talking about setting ourselves apart from the world to serve and worship God. Nazirites took a vow to abstain from fermented drinks; they didn't cut their hair; they couldn't go near dead bodies, etc. They lived differently from those around them as a way of showing that they were living a holy life to glorify God.

    I'm glad you read Numbers 23 & 24. Now you have to read Chapter 22 too. It's the fun part of the story! In fact, I suggested these chapters in my post this morning about Joshua 24. Good job!

  5. Oh to have the faith of Caleb. I was once told that I have the faith of Caleb and that I am tenacious like a dog hanging on to a chunk of meat when it comes to my faith. If others can see that in me, then why don't I feel it? Praise God, he is sufficient to meet all my needs, amd to meet me wherever I happen to be that day. Most days (it seems) God is not meeting me in a very pretty place, but I know that he loves me anyway. I know that my God is big enough. Each day may be a battle, but God gives me what I need to get me through.

  6. I want to be known as a woman of faith too, Katherine. I am thankful that you are living your faith in front of others. Maybe you don't "feel" faithful because you know your own thoughts. Sometimes I can act courageous on the outside even though I am whimpering on the inside. Also, people with the gift of faith typically are humble people. I believe God gives you a spirit of humility so that you always recognize your faith comes from Him, not from something you work up inside of yourself.

    Keep pressing on!
