Thursday, July 24, 2008

1 Samuel 17

David vs Goliath--I love this story!

v. 11--Saul, dismayed and terrified. Just what I look for in a leader.

v. 12--David, the son of an Ephrathite. David's daddy was Jesse, whose daddy was Obed, whose mommy and daddy were Ruth and Boaz!

v. 16--Forty days! Have you ever been away from home for forty days? Our family just returned from a 13-day vacation, and I was worn out. We should be extremely mindful of the families whose loved ones are fighting the war on terror. They are making extreme sacrifices for our freedom!

v. 24--The Israelite army ran in fear. They are a reflection of their leadership. This makes me stop to reflect on my own leadership style. Sometimes the people following me flake out on me. (I'm not talking about you; so don't take any of this personally.) Anyway, instead of blaming it on their lack of commitment, maybe I should take a look at how I have trained my followers to respond to situations.

v. 25--So, if the soldiers were so excited about what Saul would give the hero, why wasn't anyone stepping up to the challenge? Beware of the salesman who will not taste his own wares!

v. 26--"Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" Way to go, David! He knew God was living because He had talked to him personally through the Spirit. Do you know that God is living today? He is, and He is waiting for you to begin a personal relationship with Him.

v. 28-30--Sibling rivalry is as old as Cain and Abel! Does anyone have any helpful advice for helping brothers and sisters learn to get along? I remember my mom making my brother and I sit on the couch and hold hands if we were fighting. That cured us fairly fast. I also remember my brother being a pest in jr. high, and I remember vividly the last time I was able to take him down in a headlock. I had to take him by surprise because he was bigger than me!

v. 32-37--How could David have such confidence? Because his confidence was in the power of God, not in his own strength. God had been faithful to deliver David many times, and David had the faith to believe he would do it again. My husband and I were talking about this story, and his thought was that David probably said to himself, "If I want to have a kingdom to inherit, then I better stand up and fight this Philistine!"

v. 40--David took his staff, five smooth stones, and his slingshot. Cool. I'm trying to think about what this looks like in my life. David chose not to use the biggest and the best equipment. Instead, he stuck to the basics, the tools of his trade, the tools he had seen God use in his life. The world tries to tell me that I have to have all the latest technology to be effective. While that may be true in some circumstances, most of the time I should rely on God to provide what I need rather than spending all my energy on trying to get ahead in life.

v. 41-44--Goliath is such a bully. LORD, give me the courage of David to stand against the bullies in my life.

v. 45-47--David's bravado is very inspiring! "I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty." "This day the LORD will hand you over to me." "The whole world will know that there is a God in Israel." "The battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands." LORD, may the whole world know that You are God! May I proclaim Your Name boldly, even in the face of my enemies.

v. 51--This is such a guy's story! Not for the faint of heart (or stomach).

v. 52--Can you hear the men shout?!!

v. 55-58--I want to know the rest of the story. Why didn't Saul know who David was if David had been serving in his court? Probably kings didn't get overly personal with their servants, huh. Well, from here on out, Saul will definitely become aware of just who this little boy from Bethlehem is!

I hope you don't mind that I've been taking the chapters one at a time for awhile. I just don't want to miss any of the good stuff. Next time we try to press a little further by taking on 1 Samuel 18-20. Thanks for sticking with me!


  1. I also like this story. I have some comments written in my Bible from a previous study that always make me stop and think when I read this story again. I thought I would share them with you. Some Bible scholars believe that Goliath had a father and 3 brothers with him at the battle. This is why David picked up 5 stones. Did he really expect to miss 4 times? Hmmm...

  2. Good point, Amy. I had not really thought about the significance of 5 stones. I'm glad he only had to use one.

  3. vs 45-47 are my favorite part of this story. "I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty." "This day the LORD will hand you over to me." "The whole world will know that there is a God in Israel." "The battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands." To have this strong everyday faith like David demonstrates is one of the greatest desires of my heart. David doesn't miss a beat. I can't help but think when he issued the battle cry above that for a brief moment time stood still as all those who had gathered before David to fight wrapped their minds around what this young man just said. And as they watched all of this unfold before their eyes what must be going thru his brothers' minds. You know sometimes God will send a David to fight our giants. When He does, I'm sure I have reacted just like his brothers did, anything but cooperative. Then again, sometimes we are "David" fighting our own giants. The provision that God made for David is available to you and me today. Father, give us the faith and courage like that of David to know You intimately and to trust You fully to deliver no matter what challenges lie before us. Father, thank you for your word!

  4. v. 14 David was the youngest. Oh, and what faith he had. I think of Jesus blessing the children in Mark 10:13-16. Anyone who does not seek the LORD like a child will not enter the kingdom of God. David followed the Lord, no matter what. He didn't know how the battle would play out but He knew the Lord was with him. Wow, I get worried about what seems like such small things in comparison to a giant and an army of Philistines! Lord, forgive me for not approaching you with full trust and faith in your abilities. You really can do all things! Thank you Lord!

  5. I am so grateful that God gave us the Bible to give us examples of how to walk by faith. Hearing the stories of God's faithfulness in the lives of others helps strengthen my own walk of faith.

    Keep up the good work, girls!

  6. I have always absolutely loved this story. I love to tell it to children and tell them that even though they are children they can do great things for God.

    On a totally different note, I would like to invite all of you to visit my blog spot, I am in daily prayer about the direction that God wants to take it, and look forward everyday to praying and finding leading from God for the days entry.

  7. This is one of the most popular stories of the Bible that children know in detail. But what I love most about the story of David is how much he trusted and followed after God's heart. But you see later on in his live how he screwed up big time, but God still loved Him in spite of all his wrongs. What I'm confused about is it seems that God does treat certain people differently than others. He forgave David of all his disobediance, but he didn't forgive Saul for his. What's the difference? Am I making this too hard? Why are certain people punished or left with hard circumstances when they try so desperatly to follow God and others are given so many blessings? I know, I know our true blessings will be in Heaven and that's what it's really about!! These are questions I've pondered for many years. I don't expect any answers, just putting out my own thoughts here.

  8. What's the difference between David and Saul? True repentance vs faking it. Seeking God's glory vs seeking personal glory. A servant king vs a jealous king. Realizing that his kingdom was for the good of the people vs thinking his kingdom was all about his own personal comfort.

    Sorry girls, but this life is not about us. It is about spending our lives in the service of Jesus Christ.
