Thursday, September 10, 2015

Acts 9-10

Our reading covers two chapters today.  I am so glad you are joining me in Acts 9-10.

Who is the worst person you know?  Now, don't name any names in the comments, please.  Just picture this person in your mind.  Can you even imagine what God could do if this person allowed the Holy Spirit to take control?  That is Saul's story.  He was leading the persecution against the Lord's followers.  After Saul encountered Christ, not only was his life changed, but the Spirit used him to change the world.  Will you pray right now that God would begin a similar work in the person He brought to your mind just now?  Jesus wants to show up in this person's life!

Now take your prayer a step further.  Will you pray that God will use you in this person's life just like He used Ananias in Saul's life?  Will you vow to obey the Spirit's leading to share the truth of the Gospel, even when it scares the living daylights out of you?  Girl, you and I do not want to stand before God's throne and give excuses about why we refused to share the saving grace with our lost and dying world!  If you need help in this area, please email me.  Let's work on this together.

The chapters we are reading today are filled with stories of people just like you who let God use their stories to encourage others to follow the Lord.  Which story resonates with you?  Will you ask God to use your story to encourage someone in the faith today?

Saul - New believer; excited to begin preaching immediately; preached with power even when it made people angry.

Barnabas - Thank heavens for this guy!  He discipled Saul and introduced him to other believers.  He poured his life into a newbie.

Peter - A seasoned follower; continued to preach and to heal; he followed the Spirit's leading.

Aeneas - Bedridden for 8 years; he told his story of how God healed him, and many became believers in Jesus.

Tabitha (her Greek name was Dorcas) - God used Peter to bring her back to life; many heard her story and became believers.

Cornelius - Very religious; gave to the poor; prayed daily; still longed for the truth of the gospel; invited his friends and family to hear the message; paved the way for Gentiles to be included in the grace of the Gospel.

Where does your name fit on the list?  I will pray for you today and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing with His message of saving grace.  Don't resist him, Sister!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Acts 8

Today's reading in Acts 8 focuses on persecution in the church.  After you read it, will you stop to pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe who are facing persecution?  You can find out specifics here.

You and I don't want to face persecution; however, God often uses it in our lives to get us to move and to do what He has asked of us.  Word to the wise - Go and preach the gospel whenever and wherever the Spirit of God prompts you.  Do not wait for God to bring persecution into your life to make you willing to move.  The pattern in my life has been God making me uncomfortable so I will go where He leads.  Let's get out of our comfort zones willingly, girls, and go spread the Word.

Now let's look at some specifics from Acts.  Saul, who became Paul, the writer of half of our New Testament, stood there to hold the coats of those who stoned Stephen for being a follower of Jesus.  This sparked a great persecution in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, and believers scattered to the uttermost parts of the earth.  (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)  God used Saul to scatter the believers; then God changed Saul's life in Acts 9. This great persecutor became the apostle Paul, and God used him to disciple the new church.  Talk about a changed life!  Murderer to life saver.  Death threats to eternal life.

I want to point out a couple of first mentions:  Barnabas in Acts 4:36-37, and Saul in Acts 7:58-8:3.  What an unlikely pair!  Good cop.  Bad cop.  Encourager.  Persecutor.  It makes me think of the story in Luke 7, where Jesus teaches the lesson that those who are forgiven much will love much.

Acts 8 ends with the story of Philip teaching and baptizing an Ethiopian government official.  Today will you join me in asking the Spirit of God to fill you?  Will you let the Spirit move you where He wants you?  It's an exciting journey, girlfriend!