Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

Wow, 2009 was quite a year, don't ya think? It was certainly a roller coaster ride for me and my family. We enjoyed some real high points: Zach promoted to high school and received his driving permit; we purchased 40 acres, built a house, and moved in before Thanksgiving; I started teaching at the high school; I had the thrilling experience of praying with several children who received Christ at Vacation Bible School.

We have also faced several obstacles, and as you can imagine, the high points I listed above bring a fair amount of stress with them. My personal area of sin is fear and worry. Lately, I have been waking up before my alarm clock with my mind swirling with worries. Panic usually sets in before I think to pray.

This morning, a word picture came to mind. I was 10 years old again and learning how to snow ski. I came around an icy corner and fell down because I felt out of control. As I tried to scramble to my feet, my skis slid toward the edge of what seemed a steep cliff to a beginner. I whimpered and begged my daddy to help me. He stood about 10 feet away on flat ground, telling me I could stand. Yet, every time I tried to get my skis under me, I would slide closer to the drop off. My tears brought my daddy to my side, and his strong arms steadied me as I righted myself.

That is the situation I find myself in currently. I can feel myself sliding toward the precipice of fear and despair. I am calling out to my Father to bring me peace. I know he is standing only a few feet away, but I long to have him scoop me up in his arms and carry me to safety. I don't want to wade through the tough circumstances anymore. I just want life to be easy.

For now, I am grateful for the glimpses of heaven and God's goodness to me.
Thank you for your friendship and love in 2009. You are what keeps me moving forward!