Saturday, June 24, 2017

What Is Your Pet Sin?

Wait a minute! Hold the phone! I thought Paul said we had already died to our sin. Then why does he write at length about taking off the old self and putting our sinful nature to death in Colossians 3:5-11? Because our sin keeps resurrecting itself!

God commands us to put to death these things:
  • sexual immorality
  • impurity
  • lust
  • evil desires
  • greed (which is idolatry)
  • anger
  • rage
  • malice
  • slander
  • filthy language
  • lies
  • division
  • discrimination
These are the things of earth that need to be past-tense in our lives. Jesus died to see us free from all these evil desires. He wants to eradicate sin from our lives, but we keep a pet sin hidden in the closet. Let's bring it out into the light and let God destroy it.

Which item(s) on this sin list still have a hold on you? It is holding you captive to this world. Can you kill it in the power of the Holy Spirit? If you do not, it will be the death of you.

Father, I confess my sin of ____________________ (you fill in the blanks). I will NEVER acquire enough ____________________ to feel satisfied. ____________________ is a moving target, and I am a leaky vessel. My soul is starving because I am trying to fill it with ___________________ instead of with You. LORD, I confess that I have set up the idol of ______________________, and I bow down to it daily. I need You to topple this god and reign Supreme in my heart, mind, and soul. In the precious Name of Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior, AMEN!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Are You Already Dead?

According to Colossians 3:1-4 , those who are saved have already died to the old way of life. We have already been resurrected with Christ. Our lives are already hidden with Christ in God. These verses are written in past tense. Believer, you are already dead. So, why are we so consumed with the things on earth?

Paul says we can set our hearts on things above because our position in Christ sets us free from our old way of living, our worries, fears, and addictions. We can live free because Christ is LIFE to us. When He returns to earth, Christ will take all believers to dwell with Him in glory, in the very presence of God, our Father. Can I get an AMEN? If you and I could stay focused on our glorious future in heaven, all of our present worries would disappear.

Heavenly Father, we need Your help to stay focused on things above. Our flesh is stuck in the mire of this world. We want to trust You. We long to leave all our fears in Your hands, but we wake up every morning with our hearts pounding in panic. When we lay our heads on our pillows at night, our minds are racing and in turmoil. Help us look to You alone for our provision and peace. We long for Your glory! AMEN!!!

Monday, June 12, 2017

How to Have a Spiritual Conversation

Too often, we get busy with life or distracted by things that don't really matter, and we miss the opportunity to go deeper with our conversations. I want to encourage you to ask God to make you aware of openings when you can turn your conversations toward spiritual topics. If you are not having spiritual conversations with your friends or family members, who will? Do you know what your friends and family believe about Jesus? Will you print or save the following list of questions and start asking the people you love if they know the God you love?

20 Spiritual Questions

1. What do you believe about Jesus and why?

2. What does it mean to you that you were created by Jesus and created for Him?

3. What was your life like when you were an enemy of God, separated from Him because of your evil thoughts and actions?

4. Tell your story of how and when you were reconciled to God through the death of Christ.

5. What makes it difficult for you to continue in your faith?

6. What responsibility has God given you? How can you serve Him?

7. How would you explain the mystery of the gospel to someone else?

8. Who are you teaching to know Jesus?

9. Are you depending on your energy or on God's?

10. Who are the holy and faithful Christian servants in your life?

11. For whom are you most thankful in your spiritual life?

12. Who shared the truth of the gospel with you?

13. For whom do you pray without stopping?

14. What do you pray for others?

15. Who prays faithfully for you?

16. What do you want others to ask of God on your behalf?

17. What are you doing currently to please God?

18.  What evidence proves that you are bearing fruit for God's Kingdom?

19. Can you feed yourself spiritual food?

20. Who else are you feeding spiritually?

I doubt you would cover the whole list of questions in one sitting, and some of the questions may not apply to your friend or family member. Just imagine, though, the conversations you can have with your kids around the dinner table. This is discipleship. This is developing relationships that will continue for eternity. I want to spend my time talking about things that are going to last forever.

This list of 20 questions was inspired by the writings of Paul in Colossians 1. I encourage you to read this chapter and begin praying about the people God has placed in your life. What if you are the only one who loves them enough to ask them about their eternity? Do not delay. Have that spiritual conversation today.