Wednesday, July 23, 2008

1 Samuel 16

Basically, God tells Samuel, “Quit your whining and get on with it!” Has God ever had to tell you that? He certainly has me. I get down and depressed and get the “I don’t wannas,” and God has to tell me to suck it up and move on. I like that Samuel is honest enough to ask God, “How can I?” When we take time to listen for God’s voice, He will tell us His plan of action.

1 Samuel 16:4—I didn’t realize that the elders were present when Samuel anointed David. It makes me wonder then how David’s anointing as king did not become public knowledge. I think it is very interesting that David had enough humility to remain silent about his anointing to be king. It must have been very difficult for him, especially during the times when Saul tried to take David’s life.

1 Samuel 16:11—How did Samuel know that he had not seen all of Jesse’s sons? I want to be that in tune with God’s Spirit; that in the midst of the situation, I can hear Him speaking to me, telling me what steps to take. What do you think David’s big brothers thought when little brother was chosen, and they were all passed over? I can just imagine the sibling rivalry!

1 Samuel 16:12b-13a—“Then the LORD said, "Rise and anoint him; he is the one." So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power.” Wow! I love this! David was God’s chosen man for the job. In the Old Testament, the Spirit would come and go. David must have reveled in God’s glory. I must say that I take it for granted that I can enjoy God’s fellowship every moment of every day. It is easy to push Him aside and forget that His power is at hand whenever I choose to tap into it. Will you pray right this moment, “Dear Jesus, please fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit! I want to be used by you from this day on.”

Verse 14 really bothers me. Not only had God’s Spirit left Saul, God had sent an evil spirit to torment him. It is hard for me to fathom that God would torment anyone. I’m still trying to piece that together in my head. I must remember that before Christ, no one could have assurance of salvation. Their faith had to be in sacrifices and daily obedience. Saul was rejected by God because Saul never really obeyed God. Saul did not place his faith in God at all. Have you? Email me at and tell me your story.

I love how God orchestrated the events that brought David into the king’s palace. We should not think it is a coincidence that one of Saul’s servants knew a lowly shepherd boy and invited him to play the harp for the king. Neither is it a coincidence that the young boy filled with the Holy Spirit was able to bring comfort to the tortured king. LORD, may I bring comfort and joy to the people around me who are suffering in this world.

I really want to keep writing, but the next chapter is the story of David and Goliath, and I think it may require lots of writing. See you in Chapter 17!


  1. I love verse 7..."The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

    I have a hard time understanding Saul being tormented by a spirit sent from the Lord also. I think way back to Genesis 4:6-7 Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry" Why is your face downcast" If you do what is right, will you not be accepted" But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

    Saul has had so many opportunities to follow the Lord and do what is right but he just won't give complete obedience to the Lord. Then in his misery the Lord sends comfort, rest and peace through David. If we keep our focus on the Lord and give Him full obedience many of the things we stumble over would not be there in the first place.

    All of the events led to David's becoming King and the unfolding of Christ's coming. I don't know if this makes sense but it is almost like God had to keep turning it up a notch because people just weren't getting it. It is only supposed to be about Him, the LORD, nothing else-no one else.

  2. I posted my blog for today on yesterday. Oops! I'll get it straight soon I hope. VBS is calling. See you there!!

  3. My daily prayer is that I will be a blessing to all that I come into contact with, that God will use me, make me an instrument, and that his spirit will flow through me.

  4. I am thinking that God had to sent the evil spirit upon Saul because that was how He got David into the palace. If that wouldn't have happened, then I'm sure God would've done it a different way, but that's how God chose to do it. It doesn't make sense to me and it seems there should've been a more gentle way of getting David in there, but God's ways are above our ways!! I have read this passage before and never saw it this way. Right now God has really been showing me about His ways are higher than mine and that I must trust His way, even when it feels like He's left me sometimes.
