Thursday, May 7, 2009

Luke 2

I think I will title this blog post--Don't Miss the Opportunity.

Luke 2 is a very familiar chapter to churchgoers, and it is full of stories we have heard since childhood. The birth of Jesus. No room in the inn. The shepherds. The angels. Simeon and Anna. Even the story of Jesus being left at the temple as a twelve-year-old is found in Luke 2. Will you take some time with me today to look at these stories from a new angle? Put yourself in the shoes of the players in this story. Would you have been an eager participant, or would you have let these opportunities go by?

First of all, think of the people who missed the blessing of hosting the Holy Family in their homes. When we read the story of Jesus' birth, we tend to focus on the innkeeper (who is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, by the way). Well, what about Joseph and Mary's family members? Did you notice that they missed the birth of their grandson, nephew, cousin, Savior of the world?? Even the great-aunts and uncles who may have been still living in the Bethlehem area did not open their homes to the young couple in need. You and I have lots of long-lost relatives, and we meet people every day who have needs. Do we welcome them with open arms, or do we turn them away in shame?

I am so proud of the shepherds! Typically, these guys would not strike me as opportunity seekers. However, they grabbed this one by the horns! You and I might have been tempted to doubt our angelic vision, but the shepherds said, "Let's go check it out!" They hurried to find the Holy Family, and then they wasted no time spreading the news. I'm afraid you and I don't always follow through on telling people the good news. We didn't hear the message of Jesus through heavenly messengers, but we have heard the message of salvation, nonetheless. Are you hurrying to find the Christ child? Are you sharing His story with everyone you meet? This is one opportunity we should eagerly seek.

I want to play the parts of Simeon and Anna. Both were filled with the Spirit. Both were actively worshipping the One True God. Both of them had their eyes open looking for the Promise of God. Neither one of them were hesitant about sharing a word of prophecy with the new parents. Now, that is the opportunity where you and I would stumble. We might think we have a word from God, but we have a tough time gathering our courage to share it with anyone. I know from experience that God still speaks to His people today. I also know that preachers aren't the only ones who can get a word from God. Next time God gives you a word to share with someone who needs a little encouragement, don't miss the opportunity.

Finally, let's think about all the people who missed the opportunity of sitting at the feet of the 12-year-old Messiah. Without a doubt, Jesus' parents missed it. I wonder if they ever asked Jesus about the Heavenly Father who shared His one and only Son with them? Later in His ministry, the gospel writers tell the story of Jesus' mother and brothers waiting outside to speak to Him. I wonder if they missed the opportunity to go inside and sit under His teaching? Girls, I don't want to miss the things Jesus has for me to learn. Let's agree to sit at His feet daily!

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Prov. 1:7

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Prov. 9:10

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