Thursday, September 25, 2008

Proverbs 1

This chapter is broken into three sections: introduction, fear God, find wisdom. The introduction tells us why Solomon wrote Proverbs and what we can hope to gain by following its instruction. The list of benefits is great:

  • wisdom,
  • discipline,
  • understanding,
  • insight,
  • a disciplined life,
  • a prudent life,
  • doing what is right, just, and fair,
  • prudence,
  • knowledge,
  • discretion,
  • learning,
  • guidance,
  • understanding the stories and riddles of life.

I think that is proof enough that we should study this book and learn all we can from it. Let’s make this our wish list, our prayer list, as we complete our study of Solomon’s life.

The second segment of the chapter tells us to fear God, to listen to our parents, and to stop wasting our time following people who lead us into trouble. If you want wisdom and knowledge, fear God. If you want to be a fool, disregard wisdom and discipline. We know what it looks like to be foolish. A fool lives a life of chaos, making the same stupid choices over and over again. I hope you are tired of living that kind of life. So, what does it look like to fear God? A God-follower keeps her eyes on what God tells her to do. A God-follower reads her Bible and prays over every decision, no matter how small it may seem. A God-follower makes the hard choices to deny selfish desires in order to live a disciplined life in the areas of relationships, finances, healthy living, etc. A God-follower seeks to glorify God rather than self at every turn. Easy? No. Worth it? Absolutely!

The things we learned from our parents should adorn our lives like jewelry. They are the accessories that complete our lives. They should make us beautiful people. Just like the feeling you have if you forgot to put on your wedding ring or your watch, we should feel naked when we disregard the wisdom passed down to us from generation to generation. LORD, help me teach my children to know Your wisdom. May they never leave home without Your Word of wisdom buried deeply in their souls.

O God, help my son and my daughter not to be enticed by people who will lead them into evil schemes. Keep their eyes wide open so they will not go along with the crowd. Keep their feet away from the path of sin; help them resist the desire to rush into decisions they will regret later in life. Help them to understand that greed steals our lives away. God, may we all come to learn that lesson.

The final portion of this proverb is devoted to Lady Wisdom. She is crying out at the top of her lungs, standing on the wall at the head of the multitudes, crying for us to listen to her voice. Why in the world do we turn a deaf ear to her? Why are we so hard-headed to think we can make our own way in life? If we wait too long, Wisdom will finally say, “Enough is enough. Tough cookies, child.” When we do not heed God’s call in our lives, He will let us die in our selfish choices. Girls, cry out to Jesus today, and He will provide you a place of safety and security, a home free from the fear of evil. Amen. Let it be so in our lives this day, dear Jesus.


  1. It scares me to think about if I never came to know Christ! And it scares me to think about my family and friends who don't know Him either. Even though I am a Christian, I sometimes still make very foolish choices over and over again. I so desperatly want to completely surrender to Christ and not be a person who doesn't get it right. I guess it's a good thing that God gives us many, many chances. It's a good thing He doesn't just give up on us after the first time of screwing it all up. It's so sad that non believe's hearts are so hardened that they don't see this.

    And Dana, please be praying those same things for my children also! Riley is not doing well in Indiana and it saddens me greatly about the choices he is making right now. He is rebelling so much and even more so now that he isn't getting any Christian influence in his life. Please, Lord, send a strong Christian influence to Riley's life right now!! Thank you, Dana.

    I checked out your church website too. It looks great! It made me miss you all more though. I pray God is blessing your obedience to Him. Love ya!

  2. Yes, pray for your boys to be drawn to Christian friends. I will pray along with you. The move our family made has helped surround our kids with other Christian teens. We had 140 at SYATP! My kids will also get to attend the same Christian camp I went to in jr. high and high school. In fact, our church is taking a children's group and a teen group for fall break in October.

    Pray for other moms you can team up with to start Bible study activities for your kids. I am so thankful that my mom and my best friend's mom started a Wednesday nite Bible study for us when we were in high school. It was a life-saver for me!
