Sunday, August 6, 2017

Tell Me about Your Flock

Our reading today is from 1 Peter 5:1-5.  Just because these verses are addressed to the elders of the churches, please do not skip over them. If you are growing in your faith, then God will also give you a flock of people to shepherd.
Take a few minutes to list the people your faith can influence. Describe the flock under your care. What are your favorite things about this group of folks. Are you willing and eager to serve them? They need you to serve them well. God has entrusted them to you for His purposes. Are you setting an example of godliness and faithfulness for them? Who are you mentoring to shepherd his or her own flock? Recently, I have been able to encourage a fun group of young moms to spread their spiritual wings. It brings me joy to see them testing their spiritual gifts by serving their families and our church family. It's exciting stuff to watch seeds of faith sprout and grow into strong trees that are bringing shade and blessing to our community.

If you've never given this any thought, then you are missing out on some of the biggest blessings of serving God. You will find that helping someone else come to faith in Christ will bring more joy to your spiritual life than you ever imagined. It's like birthing a spiritual baby. Helping a new believer understand the truth of God's Word will challenge you to know God better. If you are not discipling someone else, then you are not obeying the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20.)

Ask God to bless you with a flock to shepherd. Pray He will also give you someone to guide your spiritual growth. Your pastor or Bible study leader are certainly shepherding you, but I encourage you to seek a personal spiritual mentor who can give you individual encouragement too. Send a message to someone right now. Start a new relationship that will grow your faith and the faith of another Jesus follower.

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