Wednesday, July 19, 2017

How Blessed Are You?

What does it mean to be blessed by God, to be chosen by Him to serve in the Kingdom? Peter addressed his letter to God's elect. What does that mean?

In American culture, we somehow equate prosperity with spiritual blessing. We look at our beautiful homes, campers, boats, motorcycles, sports cars, lawn tractors, gym memberships, and 2.4 children, and we say, "I am SO blessed!" Our intentions are good. In our western, Christian worldview, we are making an honest attempt to recognize that all we have is good, and we recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. (James 1:17)

However, at the same time, we make a subconscious judgment of anyone we consider to be less wealthy than we are, and we deem them "less blessed," or even "judged by God." Come on now, we have to admit that deep down we live as though we are blessed because of our works. We may not say it out loud, but we judge others and think, "If only they would work harder.... If only they would serve God, then they could live the blessed life I'm living."

Our theology is wrong when it is not applicable around the world. Would you say to an Iraqi Christian who is running for her life to escape persecution, "If you would just give glory to God, He could rescue you and bless you with a boat and a camper"? The book of 1 Peter is addressed to people who were exiled because of their faith in Christ. They gave up their homes, businesses, land, and families to follow Christ. Peter deemed them God's elect and called them chosen and blessed because of their obedience. They were persecuted and scattered, but they had grace and peace in abundance. God knew in advance the hardships they would endure, and He chose them specifically for His service. They were blessed.

I urge you to pray for the persecuted church of our day. Pray they will know that God is near them. Pray they will stand firm and be obedient to God's call. Pray that God's grace and peace will surround them. Pray for their strength as they press on toward their heavenly prize. Pray for yourself that you could have even a mustard seed of faith.

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