Thursday, March 26, 2009

Esther 1-4, 7-8

The story of Esther is very familiar to many of you. It was even more interesting to me as I read through it this week, however, in light of the chronological study we are doing. It was interesting to think that Esther and Mordecai's struggles in the Persian city of Susa were going on about the same time Ezra and Nehemiah were trying to motivate the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

The other item that jumped off the page at me is in reference to what we have learned about the laws of the Persian kings. Our recent discussions about the reasons King Darius did not repeal the law about throwing Daniel into the lions den make me totally amazed at the courage of Esther in today's reading. Every other time I have read this story, I looked at Esther as someone who had to work up enough courage to invite the king to a banquet. Like you and I have trouble deciding if we should invite our boss to dinner or not because we don't want to look like we want to be the class favorite. Now I understand that Esther was putting her very life on the line! To ask the king to change an edict was to ask him to impale you on a tree!

I am so impressed with Mordecai's support and encouragement to his niece. Esther needed reassurance that she was called by God "for such a time as this." Can you imagine the torment they all went through as they fasted and prayed those three days? I like Esther's attitude, "If I perish, I perish." We have to come to that place in our faith walk. We have to realize that nothing else in this world matters except fulfilling the calling God has placed on our lives.

So, do you know what that calling is for you? Have you fasted and prayed until God showed you His vision for how you fit into His Kingdom?

My God-given calling is to Glorify the LORD! And the second part is to invite others to join me! Will you come and glorify the LORD with me? Can we exalt His Name together?? I am willing to do this no matter the cost. I would be so grateful if you would join me!!!


  1. I'm with you, sister!!


  2. I'm in too! God has entrusted us with reaching others with His love. Let's get moving!! Time is moving.

  3. I wanted to also share a verse that was one of my devotional verses for today. It's 1 Corinthians 15:54- When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." We because Christ is our Savior have victory in death. A dear, Christian friend and one of my bosses passed away suddenly this morning. I celebrate that she is with our Lord today and that she had victory in her death!! We so desperately need to reach others with this victory!!

  4. The Lord continues to narrow my focus by showing me how I rely on the things of this world more than I do on Him. He has been speaking to my heart about "positioning" (His positioning of His people) and Esther's story along with Ezra, Nehemiah and many others is encouragement to us that we do need to know what our calling is. My calling is to be an encourager to the brethren. So yes! YES! Let us exhalt His name together!

  5. Cindy, I agree with your idea of "positioning." God places us exactly where He wants us and can use us best--when we are willing and obedient. Man, I don't want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I want to be right in the center of God's will. That is the place of His blessing. I want to walk so closely with my LORD that I cannot possibly miss the path He has for me. Will others question my calling? Yep. Who cares? Will others get their feelings hurt? Unfortunately. Will I join God anyway?
