Monday, July 25, 2016

Don't Play Favorites

Why are Christians so judgmental? Because they are wrong, that's why.

James 2:1-13 plainly teaches that it is evil to be judgmental. James painted the picture of two people visiting the First Church of Jerusalem. One man was poor and the other rich. The church greeter gave the rich man the royal treatment and made the poor man sit on the floor. James asks (v. 4), "What are you doing?!?! You are making some people more important than others, and with evil thoughts you are deciding that one person is better." Stop it!!!

If you are visiting churches that ignore you or belittle you because of your outward appearance, then keep shopping around. If you are a member of a church like this, please follow the Spirit's leading and speak up to change your church culture. Judging others is wrong. That's God's job, not ours.

Now, there is a flip side to the coin here. The #1 excuse people use for not going to church is they feel judged by all the hypocrites at the Church of the So-&-Sos. May I kindly suggest that if you feel judged, it may have nothing to do with the church people? It may have everything to do with your personal relationship to God. Whether you realize it or not, a spiritual battle for your eternal soul is being waged. Jesus already forgave your sin when He took your place on the cross, and the Holy Spirit is pounding on your heart so you will invite Him in to clean house. But Satan lies to you and makes you feel like your heart is pounding because you are a walking billboard with a list of all your sins for all those church people to judge.

Here's a little secret.... All those church people are in the same struggle you are. They don't see your sins, because they have their own to deal with. And if they are really saved, they want you to find the same relief from guilt they found in the forgiveness of Jesus. Recognize that the pounding in your heart is the Holy Spirit inviting you to be forgiven. The heart pounding is not because all those church people are staring at your ugly sin.

Will you be judged at church? Yes, but not by men. Let God be your judge, and He will set you free. God's Mercy triumphs over judgment! (James 2:12-13)


  1. Some people aren't happy with themselves so judging others helps them feel better. My other theory is they're stupid. ��
