Monday, September 7, 2009

Jesus' Death and Resurrection

Without a doubt, the chapters we will discuss here are the climax of God's love story with mankind. It makes me nervous because I know my writing will not do it justice. I have spent the past two weeks reading of the death and resurrection of Jesus in all four gospels: Matthew 26-28, Mark 15-16, Luke 22-24, and John 19-21. It is tough to put into words all the emotions involved as I read through the torture my Lord endured on my behalf. The amount of material we need to cover is very overwhelming to me as well. So, I just want to point out some things that stood out to me.

26:31--Jesus exposed one of the greatest tactics of the enemy: he strikes the shepherd in order to scatter the sheep. This should cause us to be on our knees for anyone in authority over us. Without strong, godly leaders, we are doomed to self-destruct.

26:50--Jesus called Judas "Friend." Could I do that, knowing that Judas was there to stab me in the back?

27:41-44--The Pharisees mocked Jesus for being able to save others, but not himself. They were totally oblivious to the ultimate truth that Jesus' purpose was solely to save others. He had no intention of saving himself from death. By His death, we are saved! Hallelujah and Amen!!!

27:51-53--When Jesus gave up his spirit, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom, and the graves were opened. That is the supreme climax to God's love story. There is no more separation between God and man. Jesus tore away the veil and granted us entrance into the throne room of heaven. If you don't read another thing I write, please understand this! Jesus Christ has made a way for you to speak directly to your heavenly Father. Don't miss it!

27:54--The centurion recognized the deity of Christ. "Surely he was the son of God!" Do you recognize it?

28:1-7--Jesus was already gone when the angel rolled the stone away. Cool!

28:18-20--These verses are the Great Commission. They are our marching orders. Go. Make disciples. Baptize. Teach. Are you obeying the command of God?

15:5, 10, 15--Pilate was amazed at the silence of Jesus during the trial, and he knew that the whole situation centered around the envy the Jews had toward Jesus. Yet, Pilate chose to satisfy the bloodthirsty crowd. Sad, sad. Girls, let's choose to be people of integrity who do the right thing, not the people-pleasing thing.

15:32--Do you think the Jewish leaders really wanted Jesus to prove himself to them and "come down that we may see and believe"? I doubt it.

16:11, 13, 14--The unbelief of the disciples astounds me! I have to think it frustrated the Lord as well. God, help me believe you!!!

16:16--"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. I have been baptized as a believer. Have you? What's your story?

22:42--"Not my will, but yours be done." This, my friend, is true obedience, to give up our own desires to fulfill the desires of God.

22:33, 34, 54-62--Peter swore he would NEVER deny Christ, yet he did it 3 times before the day was over. Never say never. . . . I believe Jesus allowed Peter this humbling experience to teach him not to judge others who grow weak in their faith. I, like Peter, often grow over-confident in my self-righteousness. I've been in Peter's shoes more times than I want to admit. How about you?

24:13-35--I love the Walk to Emmaus story. Do you? Have you ever been on a Walk to Emmaus retreat? Email me your story!!

19:35, 20:31, 21:24--John wrote his story with one purpose--so we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that we may have life in his name. Sounds like a wonderful life-purpose to me! My purpose is to glorify the Lord and to invite others to join me. What's yours?

19:38--Joseph was a secret disciple. Is there such a thing? Can you follow God and not have anyone find out? What do you think?

20:16--Mary recognized Jesus when he called her by name! Do you recognize his voice calling you?

21:7--I love that Peter was never afraid to jump out of the boat. Let's join him!

21:19--Peter would glorify God in death. I pray that I will too.

21:25--John admitted that he could have written bucket loads more stories of the life of Jesus, but the world would not be able to contain all the books. I bet you are thinking the same thing about my lengthy blog post!

I asked a bunch of questions this time, ladies. I hope you will choose one or two to answer. Click on the comment link on my blog site, and let's discuss what you think!


  1. Just a friendly reminder--I pray that you will read the Bible passages, not just my blog. God's Word is so full of rich goodness. Don't cheat yourself by failing to read the Scriptures daily.

  2. I am a visual person, so for me what really made Christ's life, death, and resurrection so much more real was watching the movie, "Passion for Christ." Talk about a movie that speaks to the very depth of your heart and humbles you. If that movie doesn't do that, then nothing will move you. I envision that in Christ's real life it was I'm sure twice as bad as what the movie depicts. I shudder to imagine! The thing that is so humbling is that Christ went to the cross fully knowing how many people would reject Him and yet He did it anyways for those who would accept Him. Thank you, Jesus!! Giving my life to Him just still doesn't seem like enough. But that's all He requests! It's so little after what all He has done for all!!

  3. I don’t know how I got to this site. I was just searching about Family Blessings then was automatically linked here. Anyhow, if you got more information about this topic, then please do enlighten me. Thanks.

    1. Shontelle, thank you for finding my blog Glorify the Lord with Me! I have started writing again. I hope you will join the journey.
