Monday, September 5, 2016

Don't Tattle to the Preacher

The letters that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth are full of wisdom. They teach us how to live as Christians, how to live by the Spirit. The chronological study we are doing gives us just a glimpse of Corinthians. We may need to come back to these two letters when we finish our study.

Today we will look at 1 Corinthians Chapters 1, 2, and 13.  When I read these chapters, I hear Paul talking to believers, not to unbelievers.  As Christians, we are different from lost people because we have the Spirit living in us. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are spiritually lost. Believers do not think like the world, and we can see God at work, unlike lost people. We have the mind of Christ.

Paul began the book by reminding the Corinthian believers that they had every spiritual blessing already available to them. However, Paul was frustrated with them because they were fighting instead of working to mature in their faith. Instead of growing, they were acting like babies. They were taking sides, causing division, and tattling to the preacher. They were acting like lost people.

What is the #1 excuse people have today for not going to church?  "All those church people are judgmental hypocrites. Why would I want to waste my time going to church when church people can't even get along with each other?" If this is the reputation of your church, then it makes it really hard to invite anyone to know Jesus.

So, how can we share the power of salvation with those who are perishing? This was Paul's advice to the Corinthian church:
  1. Get along.
  2. Try to agree.
  3. Don't take sides.
  4. Don't argue.
  5. Don't divide the church.
  6. Don't complain to the preacher.
  7. Share the mystery of the cross with those who are lost.
1 Corinthians 13 says the key to sharing the good news is L-O-V-E. Stop thinking of yourselves, and love like Jesus loves. Tattling to the preacher doesn't fix the reputation of your church. Love does.

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