Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm Still Here!

Last week of school for 2009-2010....looking forward to summer. I have high hopes that this brief blog this morning will be the first of many this summer.

Post a comment and spur me on toward love and good deeds!

Hebrews 10:24 (New International Version)

24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.


  1. I also fell away from reading your posts and then found out you weren't posting cause of your laptop troubles. It's good to see that you are back. I have missed hearing from you, so welcome back! I love reading what the Lord has laid on your heart and others. See you again soon!!

  2. I was blog-hopping after doing my English homework, and your blog caught my eye. Keep up the Good Lord's work!

  3. It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much.
