Saturday, July 25, 2009

Luke 8-10

8:1—“After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.”—Have you traveled any this summer? Have you proclaimed the good news to anyone? Tell us about it!

8:3b—“These women were helping to support them out of their own means.”—Have you helped support any Christian mission projects? Tell us about it!

8:9—“His disciples asked him what this parable meant.”—One of our deacon’s wives in Colorado told me that she always prays before she does her Bible reading and asks God to make His Word clear to her as she reads. When you do not comprehend God’s Word, who better to ask for clarification than the author himself?

Read and compare these two verses—
8:39—“'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” & 8:56—“Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.”—Why was it okay to spread the good news that the demon-possessed were healed, but not okay to tell that the dead were raised?

9:23—“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”—Are you choosing to follow Jesus no matter the cost today? (Luke 9:57-62) Share your story with us!

Read the fabulous story in Luke 10 about Jesus sending out 72 missionaries. My favorite verses are 16-21. The missionaries returned with joy, and Jesus was full of joy because of their stories! Can you just picture the exciting celebration their group had? Do you realize that Jesus gets excited when you and I go on mission too? When was the last time that your Lord rejoiced over your story?

Let’s finish reading Luke 10 through 12 tomorrow, okay; because I really want you to take the time today to post a comment on the blog or to send me an email to answer some of the questions I asked you today. Pretty please, with sugar on it???


  1. Luke 8:39 really speaks to me. God wants us to understand His Word, but we have to desire and ask for understanding. A verse that changed my life and my understanding of God's Word is Luke 24:45 ( I know I am jumping ahead here) when I began praying "that Jesus would open my mind to understand the Scriptures."

  2. Thanks, Gayle! I love it when God speaks to me through His Word and through fellow believers. Thank you for sharing your heart with God's people, and thank you for being my faithful prayer warrior.

  3. My thoughts on why it was ok to tell about demon possessed being healed, but not the dead being raised- I think it had a lot to do with how people were going to react. I think Jesus knew they would be astonished by the demon possessed being healed, but they weren't ready to accept or be astonished by the dead being raised just yet. It is all in God's timing! He knows when we are ready to hear something and when we need to prepare a little more. That's what I think anyways.
