Sunday, April 19, 2009

Matthew 2

I am a puzzle lover. I love to analyze things and make connections and figure out how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. That’s why I have gained so much from this chronological Bible study. The pieces of God’s story of mankind are all fitting together in my brain. It has caused me to become thoroughly convinced that we should study the Bible as a whole and not look at it in bits and pieces only. While we may enjoy digging deep into a short passage, it only makes complete sense when we read verses in context. Read the whole chapter. Read the chapter before and after.

Read Matthew 2; Read the end of Matthew 1; Read Malachi 4. It all fits together!!! What nation was in power when Malachi was writing in Jerusalem? (Persia) Where were the Magi traveling from? (Persia) Who was the chief of the Magi in the Old Testament? (Daniel) Where did Daniel live? (Babylon, which was ruled by Persia) Who did Daniel and Malachi predict would come as King of the Jews? (Jesus) Whom did the Magi seek? (The King of the Jews—Jesus!!!!)

The remainder of the chapter illustrates that the life of Jesus would fulfill the prophecies of Hosea and Jeremiah as well. Can you see that nothing in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus caught God unprepared? From the beginning of time, God was placing the pieces of the puzzle in perfect order. His plan to redeem mankind from the wages of sin would be accomplished.

The lesson I need to learn here is that nothing in my own life catches God by surprise either. His plan for all mankind has been in place since Creation. Why in heaven’s name would I think God needs my help and suggestions for how to work out my situations? Hmmm.


  1. I think it's because it is so unfathomable to think that He knows everything about every single person and knows how everything is suppose to work. I know that's why I think well, He needs my help to understand my life. But that's my rationalizing side of my brain talking. He couldn't possible know all about me because I don't know anyone that intimately. We just don't get it or I just don't get it that He DOES know it all, He HAS it all under control, and works it all out the way it's suppose to be. WOW!! It's an awesome thought that is all we have to do is RELAX and TRUST HIM! We make it so much harder than it needs to be.

  2. Two key things you wrote, Melissa, were (1) we don't know anyone that intimately, and (2) all we have to do is RELAX and TRUST HIM! You are exactly right, and we should desire to know God intimately, and we should know Him well enough to trust him completely. Instead we believe the lie that we can be just like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5) We don't trust that God wants the very best for us, and we think we know what we need better than He does.
