Saturday, November 29, 2008

Isaiah 6

Oh, how I long for heaven, and Isaiah 6 makes me wish even more to be in the presence of God. This world is not my home, and there are lots of things that make me sad and uncomfortable here. While I love being with my family and friends, I’m ready to skip to the end of the story when Jesus comes to take all the Believers to His heavenly kingdom. Trent makes fun of me because I always read the last page of any book before I actually get to the end. Usually I read two or three chapters, and then I flip to the back page to find out if my predictions about the conclusion are going to come true. Trent thinks that ruins the story, but it doesn’t for me. I don’t really like surprises, and I don’t like being kept in suspense. I want to know what’s coming around the corner at me. So, knowing the end of the story keeps me reading because I know what to expect. And if it’s a really great story, then I can hardly read fast enough. Well, God’s story of mankind is absolutely the best story I have ever read, and I’ve read it through several times, and it gets better with each reading. The end of the story tells me that because Jesus is my Savior I will get to live with Him in heaven for eternity. I can hardly wait, girls. The suspense is killing me!

Isaiah’s vision makes me hungry for a glimpse of God’s throne room. One of our youth group leaders in high school would often lead us in an extended time of meditation and prayer. She taught us to seek God’s presence. Even in a room full of teenagers, she helped us learn how to get alone with God so we could hear His voice and fall on our faces before His throne. Honestly, I haven’t done that in a long time. I let the distractions of this world drown out the voice of my heavenly Father calling me into peaceful relationship with Him. Even in my own living room, I find it difficult to quiet my spirit in order to commune with the Holy Spirit.

In 6:5 Isaiah recognizes that he is not worthy to be in the presence of the Holy God. None of us deserves an audience with the King of kings and Lord of Lords. But praise Jesus, He invites us to come boldly before His throne of grace! (Heb. 4:16) In Isaiah 6:6-7, the seraph cleanses Isaiah’s sin with a hot coal from the altar. You and I can have our sin washed away by the blood of Christ on the cross. Have you asked Him to cleanse your heart? Won’t you ask Him today?

After we come into God’s presence and He changes us to be more like Christ, then we must be ready to answer His call to go out. Come in, grow up, go out. This is the new pattern our women’s ministry plans to follow. We are good at inviting everyone to come just as they are, and now we want to help women grow in their relationship to God so that they can go out and serve their world. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (vs 8)

The rest of the story is a tough pill to swallow. Isaiah has answered the call to follow God, and God tells Isaiah that the job is going to be impossible. Isaiah will preach the message of salvation to people who will refuse to listen to him. They will be cruel to him and spit in his face. Their land will be destroyed and forsaken by God. Isaiah was asked to take on a thankless ministry, one doomed to failure in the eyes of the world. Would you and I readily accept such an assignment? I sincerely doubt it. Our family just moved to Oklahoma to minister to a very loving church. They have already blessed our socks off, as my husband would say! If God had told us to move some place where people were unfriendly, I am certain we would have said no. If God had told us that the people would never love us and that they would not respond to the messages God puts on Trent’s heart to deliver, would we have come? No, because in the church of today, we measure success just like the world does. We measure in numbers and in good feelings. So, if God has placed you in a thankless ministry, I want to encourage you today. Measure success according to God’s standard. He is looking for obedient hearts that are willing to follow Him even when the road is hard. Seek His face, and enjoy His approval instead of man’s.


  1. hey dana, this is your favorite neice abby, that is how i read a book too. and i love your expressions on this chapter. it really brings alive what heaven will be like.

  2. Hey, Abby! Thanks for reading! I love that you love to read like I do. I pray that you will also fall in love with Jesus and that you will share that love with others.

    Love ya!
    Aunt Dana

  3. I'm thankful God thought enough of us to tell us what our future holds. We already get anxious about "end times" and God has promised us how it ends. Can you imagine how we would be if we didn't know what to expect? We would be raging idiots more than we sometimes are now.
