Friday, March 2, 2018

Do You Really Struggle with Sin?

Our reading today will focus on Hebrews 12:4-13, and we will discuss our reactions to God's discipline.

Do we sometimes use the excuse, "I really struggle with sin," simply to justify our sin rather than to get honest with ourselves about our stubbornness? When we say we struggle, do we mean sin is hard to resist, or do we mean we put on our spiritual armor every day and actually go to battle against temptation? The truth is spelled out for us in Hebrews 12:4, "In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood." Until we allow God to break our hearts over our sin, we will continue to wallow in it.

Don't we each react differently to God's discipline in our lives? I think about how my two children were different when it came to discipline. One of my children would burst into tears with a stern look from a parent. The other child thought being spanked with a wooden spoon was a game and would try to catch the spoon. While spankings didn't work for this child, being isolated did, because that was the worst punishment imaginable. Think about the ways God is trying to discipline you. Are you submitting to His guidance, or are you bowing your back and digging in your hills in defiance? The pastor we had while my husband was in seminary would talk about the "classroom of adversity." Do you find yourself repeatedly in adversity? Ask God what He wants you to learn, because you only want to go through that lesson once, my friend!

16 - Daily Dependence - Hebrews 12-11- Discipline

Let's not grumble against discipline. Let's see it as God's love for us. His desire is to conform you to the likeness of His Son. Stop resisting his correction. When the Spirit convicts you of sin, immediately agree with Him, and get back on track. Stop beating yourself up for it. That only delays the healing. One of my favorite books is about a girl named Much Afraid. She is crippled and lame, but she agrees to follow the Good Shepherd to the High Places. On the journey she finds healing when she obeys the voice of the One who loves her. And in the end, she receives a new name! That's what I want for you, my friend.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

What Trips You Up?

Hebrews 12 is one of those chapters in the Bible that is chock full of such rich goodness. It kind of overwhelms me to post a blog about it. So, I am going to break it down and start slow. Let's look at the first three verses of Hebrews 12 and ask ourselves some questions.

Verse 1 refers back to the people of faith in Hebrews 11. Who is in your personal crowd of witnesses? Take a minute to make a list in your Bible or in your journal. Do you have family members who taught you about God? What about your friends? Church members? Who encourages you as you run this race of life?

Do you get tired of running this race? What weighs you down? What sin keeps tripping you up? Stop right now and have a little talk with Jesus. Tell him where you struggle. Ask Him to strengthen you when you are weak and weary. Confess your sin, and He will be faithful to clean you up.

Do you find it difficult to keep your eyes on Jesus? Is it hard to see Him in the midst of your chaos? Is it hard to hear His voice calling to you? Press the pause button on all the storm that rages around you, and get quiet with the LORD. He still loves you. He has a plan for your life. Ask Him to build your faith in His goodness.

Hebrews 12:2 in the NIV says, "For the joy set before him he endured the cross." Now that just makes no sense to me. How could the cross bring any kind of joy for Jesus? I like how the CEV describes it, "He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew that later on he would be glad he did." I'm sure glad He did! What tough thing are you facing? Does it scare you to death? Can you ask God to help you endure it so you can get through to the joy on the other side?

When we think of all the hostility Jesus endured for us, can that give us some courage to face our own struggles? Thank Jesus for His example of perseverance. Ask Him for the will not to become weary and not to give up. Find a running partner for this race of life. Let's keep pressing on, my friend!