Detailed person that I am, it will be very difficult for me to blog the entire Sermon on the Mount in one post, but I will make a valiant effort. Matthew 5-7 is packed full of fabulous material! Did Jesus really sit down on a single afternoon and preach this sermon to His disciples alone? Maybe.... I am much more inclined to believe that the truth in these chapters were the things Jesus shared with anyone who would listen. Throughout Jesus' three years of ministry, these were the important words He wanted everyone to hear and to follow with their lives. You and I would do well to find someone to mentor, and we could use these three short chapters to teach a new believer to be like Christ.
Matthew 5:48, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect," is the theme of the entire passage. Jesus has high expectations for His followers: have a godly attitude; be salt and light; be righteous; do not murder or commit adultery; do not divorce; be a person of integrity; love all people. We must admit we cannot possibly score perfectly in each of these categories, but we should be encouraged rather than discouraged to strive to reach the goal God has set for us. Because of my perfectionism, I sometimes do not attempt projects I know I will not execute well. That has not proven to be a helpful philosophy in life. Just because I cannot possibly be perfect as my heavenly Father is perfect, does not mean I should not put forth my best effort. Actually, in my own strength I cannot do it anyway. "But nothing is impossible with God!" Luke 1:37.
Did you notice in Matthew 6 that Jesus said to do these three things secretly: giving, praying, and fasting. Regarding each of those things, He cautioned against hypocrisy. My NIV Study Bible defines a hypocrite as a "play-actor." You and I would call a hypocrite a "faker." When I give, do I fake a cheerful spirit? When I pray, do I play-act in front of the congregation? When I fast, do I seek as much sympathy as I can find by whining about my grumbling stomach or bragging about my self-denial?
The remainder of the Sermon on the Mount teaches these principles: store up treasure in heaven by following God, not money; do not worry; do not judge others unfairly; ask God for what you need; and follow God's way, not the easy path of the world. Wow! If every person who claims to be a Christian would simply follow these instructions, wouldn't life be fun? Then if we would tell all our unbelieving friends and family members what a positive difference it makes in our lives to follow the straight and narrow path, couldn't their lives be changed as well?
The first parable at the end of the Sermon tells us that people will recognize our righteous living by what we do for Christ. The second parable tells us to be wise, not foolish, as we put Jesus' words into practice. If the Sermon on the Mount really was a one-time sermon, it packs a powerful punch, don't you think? Just like the crowds, I am amazed at Jesus' teaching, and I want to put it into practice today. I think I will invite someone else to join me in striving to reach God's goal of living perfect according to His standards. Will you join us too?
Dana's Bible Study (Join me in this chronological study through the Bible)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mark 2-4
Chapters 2 & 3 of Mark tell the same stories we read yesterday in Luke 4-6. So, unless somebody has questions about either of those chapters, I am going to focus on Mark 4 today. The theme of this chapter is Seed: the farmer and his seed, the growing seed, the mustard seed. I grew up as a farmer's daughter; so I hope you will indulge me as I explore some of the metaphors relating to seed and the Word of God.
Seed must be planted to produce a crop. Seed left too long in the grainery turns to rot. What good is a packet of wildflower seeds left in the garage? You and I attend Sunday school most every week. What are we doing with the Word of God we study? Is it rotting within us, or are we sowing it into the lives of others?
I searched the word germination and found the following wiki page: A couple of things stood out to me as I read this page while thinking about sowing the Word of God. First of all, there are certain conditions that must be present for a seed to germinate: water, oxygen, temperature, light or darkness. When you and I talk to our friends and family about coming to know Jesus, the conditions must be right for the Word to sprout in their lives. God must be drawing them, and their hearts must be soft to accept His love. The wiki page even mentions that love is one of the conditions for germination. And I quote,
The second thing that stood out to me in the article was that there are several types of germination. Every seed has its own way of sprouting. Each person we meet has his own special needs. Don't think that one method of evangelism works every time. Build a relationship with the person God gives to you. Take the time to love them as Jesus loves them.
I also followed this link to read about sowing seeds:
I liked this list from the page. As you read it, think about how it relates to sharing the Word of God with others.
After Jesus told parables, then He would tell His disciples the true meaning. Mark 4:34b, "But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything." It made me wonder if you and I spend enough uninterrupted time with Jesus to allow Him to explain everything to us?
I sure hope you will ask a question or make a comment on today's reading. But if you don't, I would be totally thrilled if you would, "Come, glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His Name together!" (Ps. 34:3)
Seed must be planted to produce a crop. Seed left too long in the grainery turns to rot. What good is a packet of wildflower seeds left in the garage? You and I attend Sunday school most every week. What are we doing with the Word of God we study? Is it rotting within us, or are we sowing it into the lives of others?
I searched the word germination and found the following wiki page: A couple of things stood out to me as I read this page while thinking about sowing the Word of God. First of all, there are certain conditions that must be present for a seed to germinate: water, oxygen, temperature, light or darkness. When you and I talk to our friends and family about coming to know Jesus, the conditions must be right for the Word to sprout in their lives. God must be drawing them, and their hearts must be soft to accept His love. The wiki page even mentions that love is one of the conditions for germination. And I quote,
"You need love to make a plant grow too. If you abandon the plant and don't water it, it will die. If you take care of it and really want it to survive, it will live. Love is a big element you need to contribute to your plant. If the plant has water, oxygen, right temperature, and light/darkness it still won't survive without love. Love would motivate you to give it all of the things such as water, oxygen, right temperature, and light/darkness."I hope you understand the spiritual application here. Are you and I taking care of the souls God has given us to grow for His Kingdom?
The second thing that stood out to me in the article was that there are several types of germination. Every seed has its own way of sprouting. Each person we meet has his own special needs. Don't think that one method of evangelism works every time. Build a relationship with the person God gives to you. Take the time to love them as Jesus loves them.
I also followed this link to read about sowing seeds:
I liked this list from the page. As you read it, think about how it relates to sharing the Word of God with others.
I also came across another blogger's page on the topic of the seed metaphor. I hope he won't mind if I send you to his page to read the collection of Bible passages he discovered where the sowing of seed is mentioned. I especially like the title of his page, don't you?Always use fresh compost
Always use clean pots
Always label the seeds
Don't let them dry out
Don't keep them wet
Watch out for predators - snails and slugs can get anywhere!
Improvise - use whatever you have that will give the seeds the conditions they need to germinate.
Don't be afraid to experiment - often, one 'expert' will tell you a particular type of seed needs to be stratified, and another 'expert' will tell you it needs to be sown in heat. Your guess is as good as theirs.
Finally - they won't grow if you don't sow them!
After Jesus told parables, then He would tell His disciples the true meaning. Mark 4:34b, "But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything." It made me wonder if you and I spend enough uninterrupted time with Jesus to allow Him to explain everything to us?
I sure hope you will ask a question or make a comment on today's reading. But if you don't, I would be totally thrilled if you would, "Come, glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His Name together!" (Ps. 34:3)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Luke 4-6
This passage begins with the temptation of Jesus. Notice that Jesus was "full of the Holy Spirit." He was also full of the Word of God, which is evident from the way Jesus handled each temptation. Likewise, you and I are able to face opposition from the enemy only when we are filled with God's Holy Spirit and with God's Holy Word.
"When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time." (v. 13) We are wrong to think that the wilderness temptation was the only time satan attacked Jesus. Evidently, every day of Jesus' earthly life presented "opportune" times for confrontation. Take a look at each of these examples in Luke 4-6.
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth--Do you remember what it was like to come home from college? You left town as a top-dog senior, and you drove home with expectations that everyone would be thrilled to see you. When you arrived, everyone had moved on with their lives, and their focus was on the new senior class. They had already forgotten you, and since you were a lowly college freshman, all they focused on was your incompetence.
Jesus had just won a major victory over the enemy in the desert. He had fasted and prayed for 40 days, and He was ready to conquer the world. The first obstacle he faced was his home town. Do you see how that was an opportune time for an enemy attack? You and I face it any time we come home from a spiritual retreat. The people we encounter at home have not been on the spiritual high, and it only takes one or two negative words to shoot us down. Jesus chose to move on and to stay focused on His mission.
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit--Jesus was amazing the people with His teaching! Then right in the middle of his sermon, the demons tried to expose His deity. The time was not right, and Jesus told them to zip it! The enemy will always try to spoil our godly works by distracting our listeners.
Jesus Heals Many--What a temptation! The people were hanging on His every word, and they tried to convince Jesus to stay with them. However, He knew that God had called Him to spread the gospel to all people, not just one village. Flattery and ego-boosting are very effective tools for ruining the mission of Christians who are called to spread the good news.
The Calling of the First Disciples--"Don't be afraid!" I wonder if Jesus ever grew weary of telling His disciples to have more faith?
The Man with Leprosy--"Don't tell anyone." Jesus wanted this to be the man's own private miracle, yet the tale was told anyway. "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." I wonder if He ever vented His frustration to the Father? I know I would be tempted to ask God if I could just smack somebody!
Jesus Heals a Paralytic--First of all, do you know how discouraging it is to have your Bible teaching interrupted? The enemy uses this tactic quite often. Just when the preacher is getting to the invitation, somebody's cell phone goes off, a baby cries, or someone sneezes. Secondly, do you know how tempting it is to fire back when someone questions your authority? "Forgive sins? You don't think I have the authority? Well, just watch this . . . ." I stand amazed at the emotional control Jesus possessed.
The Calling of Levi--The Pharisees continually questioned Jesus, trying to frustrate His plans. In this case, they questioned His choice of followers. Why did they care? Were they jealous that Jesus did not choose them instead? I am certain they were not worried about protecting Jesus' reputation.
Jesus Questioned about Fasting--Legalism. The enemy is very convincing when it comes to making people feel guilty for not following all the rules. Let's be very careful when we are tempted to cling to old traditions and rules rather than yielding to what we hear the Spirit calling us to do.
Lord of the Sabbath--More rule following issues. . . . People, not laws, were priority for Jesus. Love God. Love people. Do those two things, and you will lead a God-pleasing life.
Hebrews 4:15--"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin."
The remainder of Luke 6 gives a list of the 12 Apostles as well as several teachings of Jesus. While I would love to write more, all of these teachings speak for themselves. Please take time to read them, and then feel free to post a comment about which ones speak to you the most today.
"When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time." (v. 13) We are wrong to think that the wilderness temptation was the only time satan attacked Jesus. Evidently, every day of Jesus' earthly life presented "opportune" times for confrontation. Take a look at each of these examples in Luke 4-6.
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth--Do you remember what it was like to come home from college? You left town as a top-dog senior, and you drove home with expectations that everyone would be thrilled to see you. When you arrived, everyone had moved on with their lives, and their focus was on the new senior class. They had already forgotten you, and since you were a lowly college freshman, all they focused on was your incompetence.
Jesus had just won a major victory over the enemy in the desert. He had fasted and prayed for 40 days, and He was ready to conquer the world. The first obstacle he faced was his home town. Do you see how that was an opportune time for an enemy attack? You and I face it any time we come home from a spiritual retreat. The people we encounter at home have not been on the spiritual high, and it only takes one or two negative words to shoot us down. Jesus chose to move on and to stay focused on His mission.
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit--Jesus was amazing the people with His teaching! Then right in the middle of his sermon, the demons tried to expose His deity. The time was not right, and Jesus told them to zip it! The enemy will always try to spoil our godly works by distracting our listeners.
Jesus Heals Many--What a temptation! The people were hanging on His every word, and they tried to convince Jesus to stay with them. However, He knew that God had called Him to spread the gospel to all people, not just one village. Flattery and ego-boosting are very effective tools for ruining the mission of Christians who are called to spread the good news.
The Calling of the First Disciples--"Don't be afraid!" I wonder if Jesus ever grew weary of telling His disciples to have more faith?
The Man with Leprosy--"Don't tell anyone." Jesus wanted this to be the man's own private miracle, yet the tale was told anyway. "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." I wonder if He ever vented His frustration to the Father? I know I would be tempted to ask God if I could just smack somebody!
Jesus Heals a Paralytic--First of all, do you know how discouraging it is to have your Bible teaching interrupted? The enemy uses this tactic quite often. Just when the preacher is getting to the invitation, somebody's cell phone goes off, a baby cries, or someone sneezes. Secondly, do you know how tempting it is to fire back when someone questions your authority? "Forgive sins? You don't think I have the authority? Well, just watch this . . . ." I stand amazed at the emotional control Jesus possessed.
The Calling of Levi--The Pharisees continually questioned Jesus, trying to frustrate His plans. In this case, they questioned His choice of followers. Why did they care? Were they jealous that Jesus did not choose them instead? I am certain they were not worried about protecting Jesus' reputation.
Jesus Questioned about Fasting--Legalism. The enemy is very convincing when it comes to making people feel guilty for not following all the rules. Let's be very careful when we are tempted to cling to old traditions and rules rather than yielding to what we hear the Spirit calling us to do.
Lord of the Sabbath--More rule following issues. . . . People, not laws, were priority for Jesus. Love God. Love people. Do those two things, and you will lead a God-pleasing life.
Hebrews 4:15--"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin."
The remainder of Luke 6 gives a list of the 12 Apostles as well as several teachings of Jesus. While I would love to write more, all of these teachings speak for themselves. Please take time to read them, and then feel free to post a comment about which ones speak to you the most today.
Monday, June 1, 2009
John 4--Jesus is the Real Thing!
John 4:1-3--What impresses me most about these verses is that Jesus was not interested in trying to win a popularity contest against his cousin John the Baptist. Rather than stirring up trouble, he decided to move on. We should follow that example, especially when the focus draws attention to ourselves rather than drawing people closer to Christ.
v. 4--Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria when all the religious Jews traveled around the despised country? Because He had an unannounced appointment with a woman who was lost as a goose without Him. Why should you and I listen to the Holy Spirit when He tells us to pay a visit to someone? Because He has scheduled a divine appointment that we must not ignore.
v. 7--"Will you give me a drink?" Now, that's the oldest pick-up line in the book! [grin] Was Jesus really tired, hungry, and thirsty? In His godly form, probably not, but in His human form, yes, absolutely. Jesus invited this woman to help meet His physical needs. That opened the door for communication and relationship. People need us to be vulnerable in relationship. When we appear self-sufficient, it seems that we have no need for relationship. (I am preaching to myself because this is a lesson God has recently brought to my attention.)
v. 9--Jesus never let social taboos prevent Him from ministering to a person's soul. He spoke to women, touched the lepers, ate with sinners, never worrying about tarnishing His reputation. What petty fears do I use as an excuse for not reaching out to people in need?
v. 14--Are you drinking daily from the spring of water welling up to eternal life? I pray that Jesus will so fill you that you cannot possibly contain it! Makes me wanna shout!!!
v. 16-19--Jesus touched a tender nerve with this woman, and she quickly tried to change the subject. When Jesus wants to deal with the sin in your life, please don't change the subject. Let Him pry into your business. Be open and honest. Let Him cleanse your heart.
v. 23--God is seeking true worshipers, those who worship in spirit and in truth. Do you connect your spirit daily with the Holy Spirit? Do you meditate on the truth of God's Word daily? Are you letting worship of the One True God change your life from the inside out? Girls, I don't want to be a fake worshiper. I want to be an all-out, sold-out, true worshiper, welling up with the Spirit of the Living God!!! Will you join me? "Come, glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His Name together!" (Ps. 34:3)
v. 29--Has Jesus so changed your life that you are compelled to invite others to come see Him? What has happened to our zeal?
v. 31-34--Doing the will of the Father is energizing! Are you feeling burned out? Maybe your energy is zapped because you are doing your will, not the Father's.
v. 39--"He told me everything I ever did." That's all there was to the woman's testimony, yet many people believed. So many people will not witness because they are afraid they won't know what to say. What a cop-out!
v. 41--"Because of His words, many more became believers." Jesus will do the convincing. You and I just need to make the introductions. "Friend, meet my best friend Jesus."
v. 48--Are you waiting on a miraculous sign before you will believe in the Messiah? Not me. I've seen all the proof I need. Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only life, the only path to heaven. Will you join me in following Him?
v. 4--Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria when all the religious Jews traveled around the despised country? Because He had an unannounced appointment with a woman who was lost as a goose without Him. Why should you and I listen to the Holy Spirit when He tells us to pay a visit to someone? Because He has scheduled a divine appointment that we must not ignore.
v. 7--"Will you give me a drink?" Now, that's the oldest pick-up line in the book! [grin] Was Jesus really tired, hungry, and thirsty? In His godly form, probably not, but in His human form, yes, absolutely. Jesus invited this woman to help meet His physical needs. That opened the door for communication and relationship. People need us to be vulnerable in relationship. When we appear self-sufficient, it seems that we have no need for relationship. (I am preaching to myself because this is a lesson God has recently brought to my attention.)
v. 9--Jesus never let social taboos prevent Him from ministering to a person's soul. He spoke to women, touched the lepers, ate with sinners, never worrying about tarnishing His reputation. What petty fears do I use as an excuse for not reaching out to people in need?
v. 14--Are you drinking daily from the spring of water welling up to eternal life? I pray that Jesus will so fill you that you cannot possibly contain it! Makes me wanna shout!!!
v. 16-19--Jesus touched a tender nerve with this woman, and she quickly tried to change the subject. When Jesus wants to deal with the sin in your life, please don't change the subject. Let Him pry into your business. Be open and honest. Let Him cleanse your heart.
v. 23--God is seeking true worshipers, those who worship in spirit and in truth. Do you connect your spirit daily with the Holy Spirit? Do you meditate on the truth of God's Word daily? Are you letting worship of the One True God change your life from the inside out? Girls, I don't want to be a fake worshiper. I want to be an all-out, sold-out, true worshiper, welling up with the Spirit of the Living God!!! Will you join me? "Come, glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His Name together!" (Ps. 34:3)
v. 29--Has Jesus so changed your life that you are compelled to invite others to come see Him? What has happened to our zeal?
v. 31-34--Doing the will of the Father is energizing! Are you feeling burned out? Maybe your energy is zapped because you are doing your will, not the Father's.
v. 39--"He told me everything I ever did." That's all there was to the woman's testimony, yet many people believed. So many people will not witness because they are afraid they won't know what to say. What a cop-out!
v. 41--"Because of His words, many more became believers." Jesus will do the convincing. You and I just need to make the introductions. "Friend, meet my best friend Jesus."
v. 48--Are you waiting on a miraculous sign before you will believe in the Messiah? Not me. I've seen all the proof I need. Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only life, the only path to heaven. Will you join me in following Him?
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